Okay, I have chosen a UFO to work on. My goal isn't necessarily to complete it, but just to work on it. Of course if I did complete it--that would be a bonus. Since I have been working on Halloween projects for my exchanges, I have been in the mood to stitch something for me as well that has a Halloween theme. I started this one ages ago, and I really love BOAF, but no doubt the holiday passed and I moved on to other seasonal stitching. I have three (!!) new Halloween projects all kitted up and ready to go, and it has been so tempting to start one of those. But for the present I will work on "Poor Jack". I really like Anne's suggestion--attaching a number to each UFO. Then one day a week you pick a number and stitch on that for the evening. That would be a nice way to at least get a few stitches in on them. Of course, as Romy said, too--it is nice to choose something you are really in the mood for as this should be fun activity. So we'll see if I can get in some new motifs on my BOAF tonight! Happy stitching everyone!