Yesterday I was very pleasantly surprised to get a package in the mail from Japan! I received this wonderful Japanese stitching magazine from a stitcher all the way on the other side of the globe (Many thanks Takako!! Domo!!). I am so excited to have it--it is an absolutely wonderful stitching magazine. I wonder if it is the Japanese version of Marie Claire Idees, but I only say that as I can only recognize "Idees" on the cover. Marie Claire tends to showcase many different crafts, but this one seems to be all sorts of needlework--embroidery, cross stitch, sewing. I wish I could understand the contents, but I am quite happy just to look at the photos! You can still get many ideas for finishing and displaying. I am also surprised as the text is peppered with English and French words and phrases, so I can understand a tiny bit. There seems to be a definite French flair as there are lots of examples of redwork. Since I am working away on my redwork project this is very fitting, and now I want to pull out something larger to work on--all in red. Shall I share some of the inside pages...
I have never attempted any emboidery, but I love these little bags. The designs are so sweet. There is actually a pull out section that has some patterns, and some of these are included. Maybe I can attempt it sometime!
This lady has an amazing home. There are several pages of how it is decorated. I love the light colored wood and simplicity--very nice. And of course--look at the redwork samplers on the wall. Lots of lovely little things to look at!
Look at the little cushions...some more ideas for me, as I am very into little cushions at the moment. It is interesting to see the stitcher's workspaces here, too!! I think I will be carrying this magazine around with me for a while!