I was very happy to get my copy of "A Most Noble Pursuit" in the mail today! I am quite pleased with it. I decided to only purchase the chart at the moment until I decide how I would like to stitch it. The chart itself is nicely done--booklet style with each designer having a separate page. I think rather than stitching it as one large sampler, I am going to stitch them individually. Knowing how slow I am completing large designs, I think it will be more practical this way for me! I also need to concentrate on the WIPs that I have going including "The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow", which I have neglected quite seriously for some time now!
In case you are curious about each design--from left to right/top to bottom they are as follows:
- Workbasket: Inmost Calm
- Praiseworthy Stitches: Virtue Triumphs
- A Stitch and a Prayer: A Virtuous Woman
- Primitive Traditions: Plenty and Grace
- With My Needle (Ellen Chester): House on the Hill
- Hands to Work: Forget Not Thy Friend
- Patricia Ann Designs: Blue Birds for Happiness
- Carriage House Samplings: A Lady's Dream
- Brightneedle: The Needle's Excellency (and if you were worried it is no all over one--only the words are stitched over one!)
- La-D-Da: And a Peacock
I really like all the designs both individually and as a group. Now I have to choose which one to stitch first. At the moment I am stuck between "Plenty and Grace" and "House on the Hill". I would love to see this stitched--up close--I am sure it must be gorgeous!