Here is my solution to staying "on the wagon"--a simple dime store notebook, wherein I will write all my wishes, desires and stitching plans! A day will come when I no longer complain about my credit card, but that day is not here yet (and don't expect it to arrive terribly soon), but I am trying my best to get there! Thankfully I only have on credit card, but one is enough. I am to a point where I look at the monthly finance charge, and I mentally picture all the lovely silks, linens and new charts I could buy with it. But I can't buy them as I am giving it to the credit card company. I take full responsibility, but it has to stop now! Why should some CEO use my stitching money to go on a luxury cruise (or whatever CEOs do?--I haven't a clue as my life is sooooo far removed from that lifestyle!). So, every time I see something new that I am tempted to buy, I am going to look for something equivalent in my stash. For example, I just saw the new Bent Creek Spring Snapperville designs. I especially like the one with the beeskep. However, I have many designs kitted up and not as yet stitched and could easily substitute one of these for this new BC design. (Also in this case I cannot ever buy another Snapper design as I have two UFOs involving Snappers that are quite unfinished--sorry--no arguments, please). If I didn't already have a UFO, and I absolutely could not possibly live without this design, it would go into the notebook as a reminder for a future purchase. I am not going to cut myself off totally and completely. Like dieting, I think I would just end up bingeing if I completely restricted myself. So I have set myself (a very generous) $30 budget for whatever stitching supplies I might need each month. I have not doubt there are going to be designs that I cannot resist.
A case in point: Carriage House Samplings has just given a brief description of the forthcoming "Village of Hawk Run Hollow". And I quote:
"Carol Sims was at Tracy's Retreat and she brought The Village of Hawk Run Hollow to show everyone her progress. She's more than half way done. She's finished the river block, the church block, city hall, Miss Opal's Boarding House, the forest and the blacksmith shop. I haven't talked to Carol for a week or so, but she's probably finished the gristmill and the street scene. Which leaves only the farm, the school and the cemetery. The Village will be released at the Charlotte Market in mid-August. "
I also expect this design to be pricier than her regular charts, so I will plan ahead and save my pennies now. I expect I will just buy the chart at first anyway and not the full supplies as I am still working on HoHRH! And Kathy has also given a little preview of new designs coming out in May and August, too. She is one prolific designer!! I am particularly interested in the "virtues" series. This one is called "Hope" and I believe these charts will cost $7.00. I just need to stay within my budget and each can be mine (though maybe not all at once)!