Okay. I know you are going to shudder looking at this list--my UFOs. I posted it last year at some point, and I thought it was time to take another look at it and see how or if it had changed. The only thing that has changed about it, is the addition of the non-alphabetized designs at the bottom which I guess need to be added to my (neverending) list. What is sad is that many of these are near to being completed (while others have barely a few stitches in them). Ahhh, what to do with those UFOs!
I need to rethink my stitching--when I stitch, how I stitch, and what I buy. I have been very good about not buying anything new for myself. Other than one new JN chart, which I bought a few weeks ago (chart and charm only), and the Essy's Friends kits (which I am on automatic for, and I am thinking they may be ending soon?), I have not bought so much as a skein of floss unless it has been for a gift. Looking at this list, I really never need buy any new stash for a very, very long time. I could easily keep myself busy with these projects for years to come! Lately I have had so little stitching time for myself, I am starting to wonder if it is time to go through my stash and do some weeding. I am not sure I am ready to start selling anything off, but aren't there times in your life when you try to pare things down rather than add anything more (if that makes any sense)? Anyway, I need to ponder this list in planning out my next month's goal list...