I have just discovered Bloglines! Actually I was aware of it before, but I never bothered to check this service out. I am beginning to upload all the links in my blogroll into my new bloglines account (hopefully will get it done this weekend). I hope this will be the solution for keeping up on my needlework blog reading! I have so many now that is is literally a gigantic task to try and read them every day--and I have lately given up even trying due to time constraints. I hope this way I can check into bloglines several times a week and keep up on all the news! They only list the blogs that have been updated (since you last checked), so that you don't have to click into each blog to find and read new posts (and not all bloggers update daily). This should cut down the time it takes to go through the blogroll. And they are all linked together, so you just scroll through the posts. If you decide you want to actually click out to the blog, you can do so to leave a comment or read more posts. Why did I not do this a long time ago??!!