I thought I would try and take better photos of the two ornaments that I received in exchanges this year. Here is a better photo of one of the Kitty designs by Brittercup Designs--not sure if it is from one of their charts or an older issue of JCS. I think the finishing on it is gorgeous, and I would love to learn how to make a pillow like this.
Yesterday's photo of the Biscornu ornament wasn't really that bad, but what the heck, I thought I would take another photo! I didn't manage to stitch anything for myself with a Christmas theme. I have two ornaments I would like to try and sew, and one other one that is partially stitched. Maybe I can make some progress on those. The little set of ornaments I made for this exchange have not yet arrived. It has now been over two weeks that the package has been in the mail. I am worried that it might be lost (though likely it is just stuck in customs), and am sick every day when I check and don't hear anything from the recipient. I am sure she will post when she has it. So much for it getting there by Christmas! :(