Maybe it is spring. Or maybe I am just feeling claustrophobic. I haven't been stitching very much this year, and that probably has a lot to do with it as well. But I am contemplating seriously reducing the stash I own. I have bought very few things this year, and they are charts or kits that I will likely hang on to or that I would like to stitch this year. I have quite a lot of stash, however. More than I can possibly stitch in a lifetime and I feel like I need to get rid of it, so it does not feel so overwhelming to me. I have bins in my closet, bins under my bed, bins in my computer room. Books on shelves...stuff everywhere. I am not likely to get rid of books or fabric. I will definitely keep the harder to find things--like all my old Prairie Schooler charts and other hard to find designers or favorites. But there are loads of odds and ends and charts that are really nice, but I bet I will never get around to stitching.
Do other stitchers go through these phases? I don't want to give away things I will later regret. I do think that I have too much, though. If you have gotten rid of stash, how do you do it? I hate to give to the Goodwill and completely lose out on good money that I paid for things. I don't think I want to take the time and effort to try and sell on eBay. It sounds like that can be a lot of work, though maybe I should consider it. Does anyone sell on eBay? I could list stash on a bulletin board or maybe just list it here on my blog. Any ideas or suggestions? I don't plan on doing this right away, but I need to give it a little thought. Thanks in advance for any help.