I may be the last stitcher to find this magazine, but find it at last I have! When I heard that it was out I stopped by Barnes and Noble looking for it twice, but they never seemed to have it. I also checked out places like Michaels and Walmart, but I thought I would just end up having to order it. I happened to stop by a supermarket today that I don't usually go to and something made me look at the magazines, and voila. They would be the last place I would imagine selling it, but I lucked out! They had several copies of it. To be honest there is nothing that I am dying to stitch in it, but I still wanted to have the issue for my collection. It seems that sometimes a first glance is not always enough to really see everything. The more I look through it, the more designs I like. I might just choose different fabric or finish something differently and all of a sudden the design becomes more appealing. It's not too soon to be thinking about Christmas stitching, is it? Ack.
This weekend I hope to finish my Halloween needleroll. I have another Halloween design lined up that is small that I will start soon, too. Then I need to think about the last birthday gift for the birthday exchange that I participated in this year. I think I know what I want to stitch. I really like the design and I think the lady I am stitching it for will like it, too (at least I hope so). I do need to get started on it, though, considering what a slow stitcher I am these days.