I haven't shared a recent Tocccata photo lately, so here is my progress so far. I haven't worked on it lately--mostly because I need to pick out that last motif and do it over, and I am being lazy about it. I'm still not getting in much stitching time, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to go through my stash and pick out a new design to work on. I want something sort of medium sized. Maybe a new BOAF project or something by Just Nan. I have lots of designs and finishing kits for JN charts. I do hope to finish Toccata by the end of the year though. I have Wednesday through Friday off from work this coming week, so I hope to actually spend some chunks of time stitching. I will definitely avoid the stores. I am sticking with a very specific list this year when it comes to gifts, and I hope to get most of them online or from smaller stores well ahead of the actual holiday. I did start a SB needleroll with a Christmas theme and the SB Thankful Sheep kit, but there is not much to see yet, so no photos. Maybe after this weekend!
Have a nice weekend everyone!