Thanks very much for the Birthday wishes! I had a lovely day and a delicious dinner (complete with cake--Italian Cream Torte, which was as good as it sounds!). Along with a few other things, I received a sampler and the linen and floss to stitch it! I'd love to start it right away, but I am going to try and finish my Sampler Farm first before starting anything new that is on the larger side. This is Shakespeare's Peddler's "Jenny Bean's Halloween Sampler". I'm not sure what the finished dimensions are but it calls for a 9" x 9" frame. I'm going to stitch it on 40 ct. Vintage Pearled Barley using Gentle Arts limited edition overdyed floss. The colors have names like 'nightmare', and 'zombie flesh' and 'dried blood', which is sort of fun. I know I'm out of season for this one, but I don't mind. Maybe I'll actually get it stitched and framed by next Halloween! It doesn't specify, but I'm guessing it calls for one strand of floss, since it is 40 count linen. I might have to start collecting the Jenny Bean samplers--I know there is a Christmas desigan and I think a new one due out sometime soon (Market this weekend?). But first things first....
And I've just noticed, the floss cards only say "limited edition" on them and don't list the actual colors! I guess I'll be matching the floss colors up first!