I can't even remember when I stitched this design, a few years ago surely, but it has been sitting in my bin waiting to be sewn into something. It is a Prairie Schooler design from one of those charts that has a design for each month of the year. I started stitching the designs thinking I would do one a month, but I only stitched a few months worth. You can see some progress here. I'll have to share my finished designs as well and show what I have done and partially done. Of course I would love to finish the year out even though they have been done haphazardly!
I stitched the design on Lambswool, it looks like 40 count linen with plain DMC floss. I had thought of stitching it into a pin cushion using the whipstitch method and adding beads. However it seems like these little pillows with the fabric added to the front seem to be popular. This must have started when I wasn't stitching, and I liked the way they look so decided to give it a try. What do you think? I wonder if I should have stuffed it more to give it a more rounded shape?
I liked the fabrics I found in my stash. Here's the back--a striped red and white fabric--the sort that looks a little like what's used for pillows! Anyway, it's nice having a new way of finishing something like this and you can use fun fabrics to set off the design.
I was on a little finishing binge last weekend. I not only sewed my "Sampler Farm", this design, but a small Bent Creek design that has very, very long been in my 'finished but not finished' bin. I only have to sew the bottom closed and will share a photo of that as well. I have two more projects lined up to see sewing machine action--the fabrics are ready to go, I just need to find the time. Both are also Fourth of July designs. I'll actually have something to display this year.
I'm still working on my "Rain, Rain" project and hope to perhaps finish stitching the front tonight or this weekend. And I was digging through my freebie charts as well....so lots to share this coming week, I hope!