I'm afraid I've fallen in a bit of a stitching slump again. It's not that I don't feel like stitching, I just seem to be too busy with other things to get in any good stitching time (a common refrain with me, I'm sorry to say). I did manage to get the alphabet finished on my Blackbird Designs Mystery Sampler, though. There is even a little over-one stitching (I'm on a roll with over-one these days!).
I think I need to set aside a few afternoons soon in order to just find a quiet spot and stitch. Sometimes I even stay at work (I work in a university library) and find somewhere in the public area of the library to get a little work done. No TV, no computer, just my headphones and needle and thread. The problem is--with such good weather, when I take off time from work I feel like I need to be industrious and work in the yard or do things around the house--and stitching gets pushed aside.
I do have my kitted up freebies to look forward to, though! I think I've got most of the requested designs either mailed out or emailed, so if you asked for copies hopefully you will have them in the next few days. I know there have been a couple of new requests and I promise to get to them soon (I always fall behind during the work week, so bear with me for a day or two). Do please let me know, though, if you haven't heard from me by the middle of the week or if you haven't received the copy you asked for. I'm trying to keep everything straight! And thanks for offers of trade--it's very kind. If only you could send a free hour to add to my day so I could stitch a little! :)