I've finished part two of Blackbird Design's Mystery Sampler. I'm pleased as I think I've got everything stitched correctly after a few problems along the way. I have yet to stitch my initials due to general laziness on my part. They will be over one and I'll need to center them, so I will add them later.
Here is what they look like together, to give you a sense of what the sampler is starting to look like. Unfortunately the fabric colors are not showing well in the photo, but there is a slight difference in the colors and tone. Having gone so far, I am really excited to get on with part three now!
I had to get a few more colors to add to the palette and here is my fabric, so you can see I am ready to go. Actually I measured and cut my fabric and put in the first few stitches this morning. As there really isn't much to see so far, I didn't bother taking a new photo. If I am lucky I can add to it later on and will share a photo soon. This section has eyelets in the roof--for the grape vine and smrynas in the grass. I'm not very excited about the eyelets, but I'm sure they'll look good when I get them stitched. I will stitch all the little details of the house and roof and then fill in the colors last. It's nice to have something a little different to work on this time around.
By the way--many thanks for the comments on my last post! They are, as always much appreciated.