Thanks to Lelia for the heads up on this film, Sequins (Brodeuses), a French film that I watched today. I had never heard of it and decided to give it a try and put it in my Netflix queue. I liked it so much that I am considering ordering a copy of it now. The movie is about a young woman, Claire, who is pregnant and planning to give up the baby for adoption. It is set in Angouleme, which is gorgeous by the way. She is a cashier in a supermarket, and the only thing that seems to keep her going is working on her embroideries, which are her passion. As her pregnancy progresses, which she is trying to hide, she must quit her job. She begins working for a woman, Mrs. Melikian, who is an embroiderer for haute couture designers. Their embroideries are utterly exquisite! I definitely recommend this one if you can get your hands on it!
I also managed to finish stitching on the birthday gift I mentioned. I had hoped to get the actual finishing on it done today, but as I was watching a movie with subtitles, that has not happened so far. I hope to at least get started on it tonight. Hopefully I can get back to work on my Toccata then. I may not have much to share with you until I am done with this gift! I like how it turned out and I hope she will like it as well.