It's been a little quiet around here for the last few days because I somehow managed to wrench a muscle in my back. I think it was due to a combination of carrying a heavy bookbag to work (I walk to and from the bus stop, which is about a twenty minute walk and I usually have a book or two tucked away along with gym clothes, lunch, water bottle and other necessities--meaning it's really too heavy), being a little too enthusiastic on the weight machines at the gym and leaning back in my chair at work and stretching just the wrong way. I felt something go and that was that. I am beginning to feel better, but it's amazing how awful you can feel and how hard it is to sleep or sit in front of a computer or look down at stitching when something is off kilter in your back!
I was hoping I would have lots more to share on my Hawk Run house, but at least I have more words added and a very few more stitches added to the bottom. I was watching movies on the weekend and I had hoped to do lots of filling in on the bottom as I watched, but that's the way it goes sometimes. The squares are really not all that big, but with a small count of linen it seems to go so slowly (for me anyway). I keep thinking I could start on the square next to this one or below it for a little variety, but I think I really need to finish what I'm doing rather than bouncing all over the place!
I'm contemplating taking a day off work and making my weekend a three day weekend. I wonder if I could finish what I have left to stitch on my Sampler Farm? I'm really itching to finish something!