Today for the first day in a long time I started to go through my list of blogs, and I am trying to leave a little message (so you know I have not disappeared). I feel terribly out of the stitching loop. I have really not had much interaction with anyone lately--particularly with my stitching friends. I hope you have not forgotten me (?) and are just very busy (like I have been). I haven't been visiting any bulletin boards lately either. Hopefully things are going to settle down on my end and I can chat more with everyone, as I do miss it terribly! Please don't hesitate to leave a message (or just say hello), as that would make me feel so much better! Okay, enough groveling and attention seeking!!
I do have an accomplishment to share, though it is not stitching related. I finished reading George Eliot's Middlemarch. It is considered by some, one of the greatest novels written in English (and by a woman thank you!). It was not easy going (all 799!!! pages), but I persevered and today I turned the last page finishing it! It is a rich, intricate novel and well worth all the hard work of reading it. I think it is one that deserves to be read again, though not too soon!
And one last little stitching note--I should be completing my eight corner pincushion tonight and dropping it in the mail in the morning (yay). I decided that since I completed two exchange/gift projects that I can have a little splurge and start a little project for me. I need to get to work on my Shepherds Bush Sheep kits. They are nice little seasonal charts, and "Busy" with the little beehive and bee seems like the perfect design for spring. It is small, so I hope to complete it this weekend! Enjoy the weekend everyone!