This is a Komodo Dragon, a wild native animal of Indonesia. I'm told they can grow up to 3 meters/70 kg. They are preserved in the Komodo National Park, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
"These volcanic islands are inhabited by a population of around 5,700 giant lizards, whose appearance and aggressive behaviour have led to them being called 'Komodo dragons'. They exist nowhere else in the world and are of great interest to scientists studying the theory of evolution. The rugged hillsides of dry savannah and pockets of thorny green vegetation contrast starkly with the brilliant white sandy beaches and the blue waters surging over coral."
The stamps are quite colorful as well. Now that I have a small handful of UNESCO cards, I need to decide how I will display/store them. I'd like also to create a proper online album to keep track of them, but I'm undecided yet whether I'll use Picasa or Flickr--I like both, but I like certain elements of them as well, other other elements not so much.