I may not own a cell phone, but as of today, I am the proud new owner of a digital camera! I have a new camera, but as you see I am not posting a photo today. I am trying my best to keep the images I post small, but unless I chill a little with all the visuals, I am going to seriously go over my bandwith allotment (or whatever it is actually called). I am not sure really what I am doing wrong. It seems other bloggers post lovely large pictures and daily, too. Are they just not worrying about the how much room they are taking up? I read that users will be charged if they go over the allotted amount, but they haven't gotten a rate set up, so that won't happen until they know what they are going to charge (they being Typepad). Nonetheless, I better train myself to stay within the lines so to speak.
But my good news...I have a new HP Photosmart R707. I also got a new photo printer, which I have yet to install. I am still working on getting all the menus figured out on the camera. The battery is all charged up, I have a larger memory card inside and waiting to be used, and I have even taken a couple of pictures already. It is a 5.1 megapixel camera, but I will also be able to take shots at a lower resolution and share them here (perhaps not daily, though...). We'll see what interesting things I can come up with. I love my scanner, but it just doesn't cut it with 3-dimensional objects! I am off to read my instruction manual!