...That is the question. I really much prefer to read the book first, and then watch the movie. I am not sure why. I suppose if the movie is horrible, you still have the original imagery in your mind from the book. Of course I watched the recent movie version of The Count of Monte Cristo after reading the book, and I still have a terrible taste in my mouth from that one (the movie that is)! Blech. I certainly don't recall any hot air balloon in the book. But perhaps that rant is best saved for another post. I was given the DVD set of The Forsyte Saga last Christmas. I had every intention of delving into the book right away. But thus far it hasn't happened. So, do I break my rule, and just go ahead and watch it? It is a BBC production, so I have confidence that it will be well done. It might also make reading the book go faster--and it is a 800+ page book. If only I didn't need to sleep, I could get in a few more reading hours. Think how much more I could accomplish! Has anyone read this? I love British sagas, and this one sounds really good.