I know I have often mentioned the Bas Bleu catalog here. If you don't already receive this in the mail, you really must go to their website and request their catalog! They are my favorite mail order bookstore (now that The Common Reader is very sadly defunct). It is a fun little glossy magazine with books, book reviews by readers, and other reading paraphernalia to entice you. I got mine earlier in the week, but have only now been able to sit down and really look through it. I am always amazed that I can find something totally new in it! Since Bas Bleu is slightly off the beaten track, this is a great way to find new, interesting, (literary) and not already overly publicized books. Here are a few that are on my wishlist: The Bibliophile's Dictionary: 2,054 Masterful Words and Phrases , Reading Women (a collection of women in art and photographs depicted reading), A Journey into Dorothy Parker's New York (I love books about literary New York), Accomodating Brocolli in the Cemetary: Or Why Can't Anybody Spell? , Death in the Garden (English crime novel set in 1925--must buy this one!), Bamboo Cutting Boards (what? you say...they look like books...fun. So, I probably wouldn't buy them, but I like them anyway--more for the person who has everything), Outermost House (I keep looking at this one, I have to buy it sometime!), Nancy Drew Postcards (to go with my stationary), Some Danger Involved (another interesting looking mystery), For the Love of Libraries: A Book of Postcards (not sure what I would use these for since I am a terrible letter writer, but I want them anyway), Inflatable Solar System (okay, this is in the children's section, but I think they are cool and want them anyway), and finally I will leave you with something practical--I have a tin of these and they're great--Book Darts (I need the bigger tin though!).