I don't spend every day off as lazily as I did yesterday. It has been a while since I have shared any of my needlework finishes here, so I thought I would show you a project that I just finished a couple of weeks ago. This is a needlecase that I stitched and finished entirely (well almost--I did a bit of it with the sewing machine) by hand. I am rather proud of it, as I had never tried finishing anything quite like this before, and I am quite pleased with how it turned out. The inside has pieces of felt where stitchers can keep their needles. Each corner folds in and can be tied to the opposite corner forming a case.
Here is what the back looks like. The designer (I can't say I am talented enough to stitch my own designs) is Just Nan and the chart is called "Miss Kitty's Dragons". After seeing the movie Sequins (and following in the footsteps of one of my stitching friends, Vero) I would love to try my hand at embroidery and may have to buy some books to learn from....