I am finding I really like books published by small or independent presses. First Virago Press, then Persephone Books and now I have found a new one--Hesperus Press (via Simon). Actually I had heard of Hesperus before, but that was back in my pre-(free shipping) Book Depository days! Now that I have rediscovered them, I plan on giving some of their books a try. Hesperus is another press devoted to neglected or forgotten classics (so glad publishers are willing to find and republish these!).
"The reader will be encouraged to discover the greatest European and American writers through short significant works, each around 100 pages in length. Notes will be kept to a minimum and pruned of all intrusive critical content. Great care will also be taken over the look of each book, from the cover to the paper, and from the printing to the binding."
I have not yet ordered any of these titles (that will likely change soon), but at the top of my list are Simonetta Perkins by L.P. Hartley (set in Venice, the writing is compared to Henry James), Transformation by Mary Shelley (a macabre, sinister and supernatural tale), Mugby Junction by Charles Dickens (tales ranging from horror to a realistic portrayal of life around a bustling Victorian railway station), Love and Friendship by Jane Austen (a series of letters to the daughter of a friend, Love and Friendship tells of a young girl’s path to betrayal, by way of a seemingly ecstatic marriage), The Lost Stradivarius by J. Meade Falkner (chilling in the extreme, a tale of the supernatural). Well, I have only skimmed the surface when it comes to looking. I am sure there are loads more books I will find when I get a proper chance to browse their catalog. (Edited--Per Susan--Hesperus titles are available in US bookstores. Although I have not spotted them in my local bookstores, I see a list on Amazon and the titles are discounted).
Surely there are US publishers also printing these types of books (neglected/forgotten)? It seems as though every time I find these types of books, they are published by British publishers. Am I missing them over here? I know many small publishers exist in the US, though it seems as though they are all very specialized. Any suggestions? Although it may seem that books are only published by conglomerates, I know that can't be true. Perhaps this is another niche that needs to be satisfied by some savvy entrepreneur? Another dream job!