Can I answer the Booking Through Thursday question a day late?
No, not THAT kind of R.I.P.
Reading. In. Public.
Do you do it? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely. I take a book with me almost literally wherever I go. I think I would be at a loss if I didn't have a book in hand or in my book bag when I leave the house. As a matter of fact when I last bought a new purse, I chose one that was just a tad bit larger than my old one, so I could fit a paperback book in it! I'm always curious if other people carry books with them, and generally I don't see many people with a book in hand. I take the bus to and from work (I can fit in nearly an hour of extra reading that way--between waiting for the bus and the rides to and from), and rarely are people reading a book--what on earth do they think about while sitting there? If I thought I could get away with taking a book with me to social gatherings, I would. I can get away with it with my family (they know to expect it from me), but not with my husband's family (I think they might be offended).
Check out Seen Reading (a very cool blog) that I saw listed in the comment section of Susan's post yesterday at Pages Turned.
This week I joined Dovegreybooks, which is a Yahoo Group made up of readers of Persephone Books. Actually they read a variety of books and chat about them, but the group was initially formed to discuss Persephone titles. They are a very nice group of people and several other bloggers on my blogroll are members. They're going to be discussing A Woman Novelist and Other Stories by Diana Gardner this month and Hostages to Fortune by Elizabeth Cambridge in July. While I don't think I will have time this month to fit in the Gardner, I do plan on reading the Cambridge (which gives me another excuse to order another Persephone title). They are also deciding on a longterm read--a couple of titles in the running are of interest to me--Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Sylvia's Lovers by Elizabeth Gaskell (which is on my list of books I want to read this year). It should be a fun group to be a part of, and I thought I would mention it here in case there are any other new Persephone addicts out there like me.
This is my idea of a vending machine! Food for the brain! Thanks to Amy for sharing the photo. Along the same line...check out these Art-o-mats! If I want to see one, I will have to go to Chicago as that is the closest Art-o-mat to me.
Thanks to Jenclair for the link to Luminary Graphics. I think I will have to buy a Shakespeare and Cervantes bookmark to put in my copies of Don Quixote and whatever Shakespeare play I have on the go at the moment!
One last last good mail day (for now anyway). I received Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson (after hearing good reviews and reading about the movie that is being filmed, I couldn't wait). As if a book is not enough a stitching friend in Germany sent me two bars of Lindt Dark Chocolate (one plain and one with orange filling). I know I can buy some Lindt flavors here locally, but I swear it tastes better direct from Germany! If I'm good I can ration them out for the next couple of weeks. If I'm bad, the bar I already opened will be gone by Monday night!