Sorry. Dreaded cat picture. This is what happens when it is too hot to think straight, let alone sit in my hot and very stuffy computer room and attempt to compose a post, which is what I try to do each night. I like to at least start a post to have ready for later the following day, but it was too suffocating in the room last night! I know it is going to get worse--summer just started. 92 degrees and slightly humid is nothing--I need to remind myself of that. Still it doesn't take much in an old house that lacks ducts in half the upstairs rooms to make it feel terribly sticky and uncomfortable. Definitey not conducive to sitting in front of a computer.
By the way, my cats love this thing. I bought it at one of those big craft fairs. The guy who makes them is from Minnesota. I usually just look at the vendor's wares and rarely buy anything, but I had to have one. It was a bit of a splurge, but my cats are always lounging all over it, so it was well worth the money!! Why is it they like to sit so high up? Of course the higher seat is the most popular one--even though it is smaller in size than the one below it.
Still, I will leave you with some (bookish) links:
What to do with your old and used books from The New York Times. They didn't mention BookMooch, though, and I don't think my library has ever made that much money from our little book sale table!
Check these out! via Bookshelves of Doom.
I really want one of these little Poppets that I have been seeing everywhere! I think I will have to stick with the plain red (or maybe blue) poppet, however. Titania poppet is cool, but a little out of my price range!
And I recently discovered this blog dedicated to crime fiction!