I am feeling slightly left out. Did everyone who bought a copy of the last Harry Potter manage to read it already? I am about 200 pages away from finishing Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I'm not sure I can finish tonight but surely by tomorrow. Maybe by next weekend I will know the secret, too. Although no one has overtly told any spoilers (thanks for all the heads up on posts, so I know what to avoid until I finish reading, too), I have been hearing lots of things and I want in on the secret, too (but shh, don't tell me--I want to be surprised). Did I mention I considered opening my copy to the last few pages....? Don't worry, I'm not going to do it (but I am not the only one who had that urge!). Check out Bluestalking Reader's photos of people reading Harry Potter in Chicago.
Is it just me, or has anyone else been having problems with Bloglines? I have been noticing my book folder filled with hundreds of new posts, only to discover that Bloglines is showing much older posts from anyone I haven't marked with "ignore updated items". I have been trying to go back and make sure I have "ignore" on all my subscriptions to avoid this, but even the "ignores" are showing old posts. I guess I should just be happy I don't actually have that many posts to read...I am already far enough behind on those as well.
Since this is a wandering post, can I just say I am tired of summer? That probably sounds awful, but unless you are a kid and are off from school for the duration, it is just work as normal. The only thing new is now you have to navigate life with the added annoyance of heat and humidity. Same old thing, different day but now you get to sweat while you do it. I get tired and cranky about this time of year, you'll have to forgive me. Is July almost finished? I know I said I wasn't going to complain, but my little computer/treadmill room is so stifling I almost can't bear it anymore. I dread using the computer or walking. Okay, there, I've complained...I promise to do better now. Maybe I need to find a good book set in say Alaska or Siberia. Scenes of frigid snowstorms. Frozen ponds. Parkas and gloves. Any suggestions? And yes, next January when it is indeed frigid and icy I will be looking for books set on tropical islands! What can I say, I just want moderate temperatures...something I will never get living where I live! Oh well. It's good to have a vivid imagination.