Happily the pile is slowly dwindling. I am hoping to finish two of these books in the coming week, two more in the next two weeks and Armadale by the end of the year. I think I may have to let D.H. Lawrence's The Rainbow flow over into 2008 as it is the sort of book that really needs to be read straight through not read in bits and pieces. Armadale is the same sort of book and is getting most of my attention lately. So that's how things stand at the moment. I've been so intent on these books that I am actually sort of finding it difficult to pick up a new book without a guilty conscience. Don't worry, that won't last.
Armadale. Now let's see, at last count there were at least five Allan Armadales populating the novel--though several are now deceased. There was the original in Britain who had a son, but he disowned him. Instead he willed his estate to his godson in Barbadoes with the proviso that he take his name. Now the original Allan Armadale's son, yes, that would also be Allan Armadale came to Barbardoes under an assumed name to take his revenge. He essentially stole away Allan Armadale's (that would be the godson's) fiance. Things get a bit tangled and one of them will be murdered. Alas, don't worry, they will both have issue. Eventually the murderer will also pass away, leaving, yes, only two Allan Armadales. Sound confusing? Actually it was a bit at first, but after you get into the flow of the story it all makes perfect sense. This is exactly the sort of book you can apply the word "delicious" to. It is delicious, because you can't get enough of it. Collins is a master of stringing you along and making you want more. The famous Lydia Gwilt is found in this novel, but she has only peripherally made her appearance. I can't wait until she has a proper voice as well.
Not Yet Drown'd. Okay. I've renewed this book four times now from the library. I'm on my last renewal, so it is now or never. Luckily I am on the last 150 pages or so, so I am feeling pretty confident. I like it......but.....well, there are some slowish places. I do love the detail, but once or twice I've thought to myself that it would be nice for the story to speed up a bit. It starts out in Scotland, and then there is a lengthy sea voyage. And finally, 250 pages in we have arrived. India at last. I was wondering if we would ever get there. Part of the interest in this book was the mystery aspect of it. The main character's twin brother is said to have drowned in India during the monsoons. Perhaps now I'll find out what's what. Don't get me wrong. I am enjoying it, but it can be very thoughtful at times.
Devices and Desires. I've been picking at this one. It's not your usual police procedural. Adam Dalgliesh is on vacation in any case. He's not even meant to be getting involved in any murder business. P.D. James is most excellent at character development. I am almost as curious about these people's lives as I am about the murder mystery aspect of the story.
On the horizon:
Miss Marjoribanks. The Dovegreybooks group started reading this past weekend. Chapters 1-4. I have it sitting on my nightstand in anticipation.
All Passion Spent. The Cornflower Book Group is reading this. I have been wanting to read Vita and this one is awaiting me also.
And am pondering the question of books for the upcoming holidays--two weeks away from work and nowhere to go! But more on that later.