This post should be marked "Part One" as I still have another stack of new books to share, but I'll save those for another day. Although there is a lot to be said for having book mail to come home to, I think I am a little envious of Dorothy W.'s bookish outings! I've become a very good online book browser, but I do miss the excitement of visiting bookstores and wandering about without any list in my head and just looking for something new and unusual. Still, a book is a book and I am looking forward to reading these.
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - Yes, I have managed to get this far in life without ever having read any of Montgomery's books, which I know are beloved by many a reader. I liked the nice Modern Library edition and think I'll have fun this year reading an old favorite--which will hopefully become one of my favorites as well.
The Dead of Winter by Rennie Airth - This is his newest book out in paper. This is a John Madden mystery and will serve as a reminder that I was going to go back to the beginning (I read the first book when it first came out years ago) and start from the beginning.
A Dance to the Music of Time: Second Movement by Anthony Powell - I am being optimistic here and thinking ahead to the next group of novels. The young men are finished with school and war is looming on the horizon (that would be WWII by the way).
Eiffel's Tower: The Thrilling Story Behind Paris's Beloved Monument and the Extraordinary World's Fair that Introduced It by Jill Jonnes - Impulse buy. I thought I had taken it out of the virtual basket, but apparently not. I love nonfiction, but considering how slow I am to read it...Still, Paris in the late 1800s...right up my alley.
Vixen by Jillian Larkin - Okay, so I read very few YA novels, but I'm a total sucker for books set in the 1920s. This is part of a series called 'The Flappers'. If nothing else I can always pass it on to my niece in a few years.
Now I would normally say, where should I start!, but as I have a few too many already started, I will just keep reading so I can pick up the second Powell book sooner than later.