No bookish news today as I've spent my afternoon working on my Prairie Schooler "Rain, Rain" project. This is how far I've managed to get while watching the first three episodes of season eight of MI-5. It's probably not a good thing to watch those episodes back to back as they are so intense (let's see--one agent returned from the dead, one retired, and one shot in the line of duty!), but I couldn't stop after just one. I get the DVDs from Netflix, so in any case they are rationed out and just as well that I'll get a little break now. Watching the show you would think that London is perpetually on the edge of plummeting into some awful disaster, but I seem to be addicted. I think to balance things out I need a little costume drama--too bad Downton Abbey has finished (loved it!), but I hear filming is due to begin on a second season. I bought the DVD so I can watch the uncut UK version, so perhaps I'll pop that in now as I try and finish my work.
When I finish the design will look something like this. It's amazing how long backstitching takes and then there is the endless counting of tiny stitches to make sure front and back will match as well as the strip of linen that will become the top, bottom and sides. I may use a ribbon on mine as well as the pins. We'll see. I've got the second strip of edging to finish and then will come the slightly tedious job of stitching the pieces all together. I'll share my mattress pincushion next weekend as I don't expect to get it all done tonight.
And work still progresses on my Prairie Schooler "February" design. The log cabin is coming along slowly. The strange black shape to the right of it will be a tree. I actually had it all stitched, discovered that I counted incorrectly, had to pick the entire thing out and start over. I think I'm back on track again, though I seem to be taking forever on this particular section of the design! Isn't it good news that the real groundhog didn't see his shadow? I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed that we do indeed get an early spring this year! I'm enjoying this project, but I think the next design I choose is going to have a nice green garden in it!