I've finally gotten around to assembling my bee skep design, which I am sure I have shown you before. It is one month in a series of designs that covers an entire year (the designs come from two different charts by the designer Prairie Schooler). I started stitching these in 2006! I might just be able to finish them this year. Some are finished, a few are in the process of being stitched, and a few I have yet to start. Since I actually am making progress I thought I'd share them with you.
Before I do so, I thought I'd mention that I am taking a short blogging break. I'll be back next weekend, however. I've been burning the candle on both ends so to speak and have been very tired and find I am not feeling as though I am accomplishing much and what I am doing I feel I am doing poorly. I'm looking forward to spending less time online and more time reading and sleeping and maybe even stitching a little more. I do hope to catch up on emails and blog reading (famous last words), but I can space this out over the week rather than always feeling rushed.
As I've finished several good books I also will be writing about them when I come back and it will be nice to work on those posts at my leisure. And most importantly I hope to finish a few books that have been languishing for too long on my night stand. Lately I've been feeling as though I am in over my head and am floundering about, which is never much fun. Of course what I would really love would be to go away for a proper vacation. I'm trying to save my pennies, so perhaps there will be something to look forward to in the near future. In the interim, there are always good books to take me away!
While I'm away, here is something nice to look at.
When I started this project in 2006 it was my intention to stitch each month in the year as it happened and finish each design in a different way. So here is January finished as a pin pillow with tassles on each corner.
February is finished as a 'biscornu'. or an eight-cornered pin cushion. This is one of my very favorite ways to finish a small design. I've made a number of these but I always give them away. This is one I kept! I should really make more of these.
March is a pinkeep. I love pinkeeps but I am terrible at making them. My bows never look good and I am not very good at stretching the linen over the matte board that needs to hold the design taut. The back is covered with cotton fabric. I had intended to stitch the month, year and my initials on each design, but that sort of got lost along the way after this one.
April is a rabbit. I should really try and finish him this month. I had planned on turning him into a little pillow as I have lots of springtime fabric.
I don't really like the May design on either chart, but this is the one I will likely stitch. Not sure how I will finish it. I have a feeling I'll end up finishing it in the same way as one of the other designs. I'm not sure how creative I can get for twelve different projects.
I very much like June, however. Again, not sure how to finish it. Maybe I'll attempt to make cording, which will be attached along the sides and make it into a scissor fob. I like making cording (I have this cool little machine), but I hate sewing it on--you can always see my stitches!
I stitched July years ago, but I only finished it last year. It is a pin pillow. I forgot to add my initials or the date. Oh well. Too late now.
And here is August! I finished it last night and am very pleased with it. This is my second try at making a 'mattress' pincushion, and while I was happy with my first attempt I am much happier with this second try! You can see more pictures of it on my needlework blog.
September has a back to school theme. What a thought when the weather hasn't even turned really nice yet for spring!
October has a witch. I will probably finish her as another pin pillow like the July design as I have lots of fun fall fabric.
November will be a cornucopia.
And December is Santa with a little pine tree. These will be my Prairie Schooler year! If I finish them this year, it will only have taken me a mere six years to complete!
Have a great week everyone. See you next weekend!