You know the scene in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice where Lizzie Bennet is visiting her newly married friend Charlotte Lucas and they are all invited to the very regal house of the odious Lady Catherine De Bourgh, and Lady Catherine is chattering away and says to Lizzie--you're very dull this evening, Miss Bennet (or something along those lines)...well, that's very much how I've been feeling lately in terms of blogging. Very dull. I've not been feeling very inspired and I feel like it shows.
I was doing a little blog surfing earlier this evening and kept thinking to myself--now why couldn't I write something like that? Isn't that a great topic for conversation. That's an interesting way of thinking about this or that's new or I didn't realize that was happening in the library or publishing world. I think my reading is too limited sometimes--only books, which means it narrows what I'm thinking about and generally gets me into trouble (one book leads to another and another until your reading pile is far too big). Now, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it--this is more of an observation than anything. But if you blog, where do you get your inspiration? And if you just like to read blogs, what do you like to read about? What makes you click out of a Google Reader or Bloglines to go read a blog post?
While we're all contemplating that, I do have a few of bookish things to share.
One of the librarians where I work used to teach Irish literature and she is planning on forming a Ulysses reading group. I've always said I would never read James Joyce's Ulysses. I am easily intimidated by certain books (Joyce being at the top of the list), and even if I am not, I am a slow reader when it comes to chunky books (even some not so chunky books). Do I dare join in? The thing is I doubt I would ever read it on my own. This would be a chance to read with other people and most importantly get direction as I am reading. So I am thinking about it. I don't want to jump into anything without a little thought. Decisions, decisions.
Today the Slaves are going to be discussing W. Somerset Maugham's Cakes and Ale. I'm going to be late to the discussion (there is a pattern forming here, I'm afraid). If you've read it and would like to join in, the forum is here. I'm hoping to finish tonight or tomorrow. After a rocky start I am getting on much better with the book.
I have lots of reading lined up for July. It was meant to be a catch up month, with only a few new books to add to the reading pile--like my postal book and Truman Capote's In Cold Blood (see Litlove's post). But do you see how easy I give in to books? James Joyce. Paris in July. I have two new Georgette Heyer books to read. And a couple more ILL books. And I just brought home from the library S.J. Watson's Before I Go to Sleep that so many people have been raving about.
If nothing else I guess I won't be at a loss to find something good to read next month.