More needlework so soon? Can you believe it? After not having picked up a needle in (almost literally) years, look at the steady progress I am making on my bee sampler! I think Typepad is finally up and back in business and as I spent my evening last night cleaning things up and responding to comments (many thanks for your patience--a first step towards catching up), so there was no time left over for writing about books. It's nice to have my needlework to fall back on. And I even made progress on other stitching projects, but I will save those for another day.
I've got almost the entire right hand side of the sampler finished--you can see how long it will be as the right bottom border (I love the honeycomb pattern) reaches top to bottom. It's always a sigh of relief to know that the sampler will fit the linen with more than enough extra linen left over for framing.
I made a counting mistake on Mr. Bear, but I think you can't tell where? The other (inside) medallions are finished (will have two more to add on the left hand side), but I still need to keep adding the swarming bees as greedy Mr. Bear indulges in a little honey.
I must admit to a little fondness myself for honey, but I am less adventursome and will stick to a plain jar of local honey.
I've caught up just in time to get ready to go out of town for a work conference on Tuesday, so things will once again go quiet here later next week. If I am as industrious this weekend as I am hoping I might have a few bookish posts that will appear when I am away (I have some catching up to do on talking about books). And if not, they'll wait until I get back.
But I will be back on Sunday for my weekly weekend short story reading.