Here's my last proper needlework finish for the year. It has a new home now and as it since it arrived safely at its destination I thought it was time to share here. It is cold and grey outside, but it's never too early to think about a sunny garden, right? The other little needlework pieces you see in the background are either projects I finished and kept or that were sent to me as gifts--they sit on a shelf in my bedroom and I often shift them about in order to have a new view or to match the season.
This was quite an enjoyable project to work on as it is stitched on a larger count fabric using mostly pearl cotton. The design is called "Sow Kind Seeds" and it is by Bent Creek. It's part of a series of little projects called "zippers" (the kits come in these cool little bags that can be reused that have a zip top).
The little heart in hand motif is quite common (you even see it on book jackets, right?) in needlework and elsewhere. I loved the little heart button.
I decided to use a contrasting color for the back of the pillow. Initially I had about four different colors picked out that I was going to use as borders on the front, but with each additional strip of fabric--although I liked the color combinations--the pillow was getting to be rather large and unwieldy, so I removed them and was much happier with the finished pillow as it looks now.
I'm working now on one small little project with a winter theme for myself but am in no rush to complete it. It will carry over to the new year most likely. I do have one other finish to share, but it is still travelling to its new home. As soon as it arrives I'll share it with you--something a little different than you normally see!
I haven't given the new year much thought in terms of my stitching, but I do think I would like to pick out one 'work in progress' and 'resurrect' it and maybe pick one new design to begin in 2015. As I have been spending time with family I haven't had much time to catch up with planning or chatting online, but I think I'll get to do so in the coming days.
Lots of bookishness to follow--including a look back at my reading year and a look forward, too!