I have a long holiday weekend to look forward to, and seeing how quiet it has been around here lately, I think I might take a mini blog break as well. I don't have any specific plans other than to read as much as I can, maybe go see a movie and take a few long walks. Oh, and maybe I will feel the inspiration to do some stitching? I always want to but can't seem to find the time. I stitched these cushions a few years ago, so in honor of the holiday thought I would share a festive photo. I like to stitch along with the holidays, but as I didn't plan ahead I will try and work on my Prairie Fairy. I'd be happy to make a little progress on any needlework project at this point since I seem to be neglecting my needle and thread.
If you are celebrating the holiday, have a safe and enjoyable day. If you're not, I hope you have lots of reading time this weekend, too, and find some little treat to make the weekend special.
I'll be back on Sunday with a short story or two. I already have several possible story reads marked and will see what I am in the mood for. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can sit on the porch with a book and a cold lemonade and enjoy a few easy summer days.