A little change of plans. But now I have set plans. One month from today I will be on my way to Estes Park, Colorado. As much as Glenwood Springs sounded very inviting, I must admit I adored traveling to Estes Park last year and was ready to go back almost as soon as I returned home!
I'm very excited to go again and it's nice to have something to look forward to--a beautiful change of scenery. We are staying in the same lodgings as last year, so right on Fall River. I can already hear the water rushing by and see myself sitting on a sunny bench with a book in hand. How will I manage the anticipation? It's the centennial of the Rocky Mountain National Park, so we'll just get there before the celebrations end!
It is definitely time to dig out Sandra Dallas and Isabella Bird. Maybe some ghost stories that I bought last year. Or maybe I should read the book I bought as a treat and splurge at that really cool bookstore? (Hanging head in shame that I had to have it in hardcover yet it still sits unopened and unread). I think my reading material on the trip will be all or almost all 'in progress' books that I am close to finishing. Maybe just one new one . . . we'll see.
Did I already mention how much I am looking forward to this? Really. I am. A change of scenery is really a good thing.