It was a dark and stormy night . . . And the next day and the next day and the next day. We've had lots of rain of late, but as the much-looked-forward to long holiday weekend is finally here I thought it called for the lovely header with the girl reading on the beach . . . boy do I wish that was me). I am now officially on a mini break from work until Tuesday morning. And while I have no grand plans to celebrate outside, I do plan on going to see a few movies, have an appointment to give blood and had high hopes for a long walk or two. Plans which might now be marred by a very sodden weekend. Days and days of it.
Oh well, I will just try and go about my business as best I can and hope I can get about between bouts of rain. As it has been on the quiet side here all week, and isn't likely to improve for the coming weekend at least, I might take a little posting break until Tuesday and, fingers crossed, that I might get in a little extra quiet reading and stitching time.
My bookish agenda includes finishing Anne Enright's The Green Road, which I have very mixed feelings about. While I think she is an excellent writer, my reading experience has been very up and and down. Though I am not especially bothered by characters I don't like, for some reason the fact that I find all the characters in this book prickly and unlikable (well, some more than others) has really slowed me down in finishing the book. Still, I have fifty or so odd pages to go and then I will let it settle and see what I think at the end. This is one of the Baileys Women's Prize shortlist books. I will then turn my attention to deciding whether to read The Improbability of Love by Hannah Rothschild or A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara next.
I need to choose a new short story collection. I have been thinking of trying Ali Smith or Mavis Gallant or perhaps picking up something by Alice Munro who I have read before and loved. I likely will dip into a few books and see which one most catches my attention.
And I will finish the third and final volume of Jonathan Luna's Alex + Ada. I still need to write about my comic book adventures. I think I have mentioned how I am finding them a little bit addictive. So, here's something new. I often think about reading science fiction. I have wanted to find something to try for ages and have even asked for suggestions from friends but never quite gotten so far as to dive into any books. I think the Luna comics have provided that 'hook'. The story is about and android who is 'awakened' and becomes sentient. So, hey, yeah, now I want a full length novel with a similar feel. I have been digging around and looking and finally settled on William Gibson's Neuromancer, which from the sound of things, is a classic. My copy just came in the mail so I am sure I will want to start reading sooner rather than later. Any other reading ideas for similar sorts of stories are, as always, most welcome.
Otherwise, whatever you see on my right sidebar is fair game for my reading pleasure this weekend. I hope to fit in as much reading into those little nooks and crannies as I can. I'll be back on Tuesday or so to share my bookish weekend adventures. Happy reading everyone!