Potential vacation reading? Wishful thinking? Yes, I'd say so, and then some. I hadn't realized the pile of books "I might take with me on vacation" had grown to such proportions. The stack on the left is made up of in progress books and the stack on the right are reading possibilities. The idea is to take two or three (depending on how far along I am in the book and how long I think it will take me to finish them) books I am in the middle of and allow myself one (One!) new book to start while I am away as a little treat. Sheesh, how am I possibly going to whittle these down now?
So, I've whittled the pile down to a possible eight? That seems an awful lot--seven with one not as yet chosen book to start while away. Now a further whittling down to just half that number. You never know I might buy a book or two while I am there as there is a most wonderful little independent bookstore in Estes Park that I am sure to spend a little time in as well. And then I have my stitching to take along and my just received mini pin loom to try my hand at. Oh, yeah, and we'll be doing things there, too. Part of the fun of a vacation is the anticipation of having nice things to do, and then choosing whether to do them or not. It's all good and the best part is a change of scenery.
I had such good intentions to write about a few of the books I recently finished, but now I have pushed those plans back for later. And as my mind is already on the road so to speak I will just share a few interesting links I have come across in the last few days:
You know I love mysteries, and even the occasional true crime (usually the sort with a Victorian or historical slant) as well. Apparently it is "offically hot" now.
I'm more of a comfort read sort of reader and am just as happy to pick up a low brow novel as a high brow (and probably more of the former than the latter to be honest), well, here you go, in defense of "trash". I agree that "pleasures should never be guilty". Thank you.
Epistolary novels? Yes, I like them and here you go, a list of 100 must-reads. I see a number of titles I recognize but probably more that I don't!
The very last thing I need to even consider is spending money, but maybe I need to put this cool library tote on my holiday wishlist.
And check out this cool yoga/literary life poster. You have to love it when all your outside pleasures come together in such a creative way.
Now I guess I better tackle that pile of books and make my choices.