Here's something new and different. Usually I only get book mail (well, in terms of 'fun' mail), but look what arrived on my doorstep just two days ago. Is it weird that I am naming my cactus? Meet Corrie the cactus. She is a little prickly at first, but I have a feeling she is going to be a welcome roommate. Maybe if I am especially nice to her she will even bloom at some point. Right now she is just acclimating and getting used to the cold, short winter days of Nebraska. She came from California, though she is a native of Texas,so this must be quite a change for her.
Officially she is an Opuntia rufida minima monstrose, otherwise known as a "Prickly Pear" cactus and this particular one will only grow to 10" or less. It is also called a "cinnamon cactus" for the cinnamon-colored spines you see on the pads. I just have to be very careful not to touch them. I understand her need for personal space, which is why I think we will get along very nicely.
At the moment she is sitting in front of a south facing window and I open the blinds during the day (well, I will on the sunny days anyway, of which I cannot always depend on during winter), but I will try and not let her get too close to the window as I don't want her to catch cold.
She's very cute, don't you think? And she actually made it here via post in a box. I hope that was not too traumatic of an experience for her. Fingers crossed I can keep her healthy and happy (and free of any little insects, which will make me wary and a little sad if they are attracted).
Here she is at another angle. She may be a regular visitor here!
And I do mean to get back to book talk, as in proper what I have been reading but never bothered to write about talk. I sort of let things go somewhere in the middle of the year and am not sure how I will ever catch up. Maybe I will write about those books very generally and in groups. I feel like my blog space needs to undergo some sort of change, though I am not quite sure in what way. Maybe just talking about books as I go, rather than the task of writing some sort of 'review' when I am done.
Any ideas? And any advise on how to grow a happy, healthy cactus? (Now there is a topic I never thought I would write about here!).