Since I am working on the Read Harder Challenge, I decided to splurge and buy a copy of the Read Harder Journal. It's a nicely organized and handy little journal, which you can easily use whether you are taking part in the challenge or not. You can log about fifty books, and there is space for a brief review as well as a page for notes and quotes for each title. Interspersed throughout are twelve reading challenges along with a short list of book recommendations.
The only downside is the journal must have been designed last year with the previous challenge in mind as the tasks for 2019 are different. I think I can easily adapt it and I am always a fan of book lists. It is just a matter now of jumping in and starting to log books. There are technically twenty-four tasks, so there is more space than needed for logging books, but I hope to read more than fifty books this year. Which books do I make note of and which do I leave out is the dilemma. I've been jotting down bits in my little journal that I started earlier in the month. I'm hoping my journaling will evolve over the course of the year and look forward to going back over my reading year through those pages. So far it is all just flotsam and jetsam, but it will tell a story all its own, too.
My current Read Harder book is Kate Winkler Dawson's Death in the Air for a book by or about a journalist. I should be finishing the book in the next few days and moving on to an epistolary novel (or collection of letters). I've already mentioned how much I am enjoying the Dawson book--it is quite riveting. I'm hoping all the tasks turn out to be equally enjoyable.