I've been absent for a while here, haven't I? I think I may have mentioned, or perhaps not (?) that a family member had been dealing with health issues and I had been spending weekends cat/house sitting. Rather unexpectedly my mom passed away very recently. We had believed she was on the mend and would be returning home in time for the holidays. Unfortunately that did not come to pass. It has been a very difficult last couple of months and devastating to lose your mother--at any time, but particularly sad at holidaytime.
One small hint of light-two of her much loved cats will be finding a new home with me (and her other pair will be living with one of my sisters). During her illness my mom was always concerned that her animals were being cared for. There will always be a gaping hole in my heart for the loss of my mom, but at least I will have a continuing connection with her via my two new roommates.
They will be making their transition later this week--something to keep us all busy during the coming dark, cold months of winter, which are always so hard anyway. Let me introduce you to Snowball and Toby. Snowball is a sweet, very furry little girl who is 4-1/2 years old. Toby is the elder gentleman of the quartet--a spry 18 year old boy. He likes to butt heads and has a bent tail, behind which there is surely an interesting story (he's not telling however).
I think they are going to offer a nice distraction for me, which I am going to need. I have missed my virtual bookish chats and sharing my reading with everyone. I hope to still share a few last minute catch up posts. I think I might still manage to reach my Good Reads reading goal for this year. I am dearly going to love turning that calendar over to 2020 in the hopes for a much better year. I have a few reading plans in mind, if only to have something nice to look forward to and keep me busy, though they will be decidedly pared down from my usual enthusiasms. It may take me a bit to catch up, but I would love to hear about your reading--what have been your favorite books and what you are looking forward to in the new year. Don't be surprised if you see more cat pictures interspersed with books!