Hello from the beginning of Prize season! Can you tell what was just announced this week?
This is just a little place holder, interim post, mostly to thank you for comments (always appreciated) and book suggestions (also very appreciated). I feel like I am again falling behind a bit (aside from being here and adding to the conversation, I owe a few people emails, too). It is all definitely on my mind and I do plan on catching up very soon.
I have assembled a few books (I had a few already on my TBR) from the Women's Prize for Fiction longlist--I lucked out and one was a galley copy that the bookstore owner where I help out was kind enough to let me grab and read, and the rest are library copies. The books I own I, of course, want to read and the others are interesting-sounding and I will peruse. I did start And Then She Fell by Alicia Elliott as the book is about a young woman of the Mohawk Tribe, which is set in Canada (Toronto, but it works for me!). That seemed serendipitous!
I finished reading The Road to Belhaven by Margot Livesey and loved it! I hope to explore more of her work now. Typepad is still giving me error messages on the backend as I try and do some things, including adding to my book list on the sidebar, but more on my current reads in the next day or two.
I am still interested in reading about the Vietnam War through the eyes of women and their experiences, so I appreciate the book suggestions and I am not averse to male authors, if the stories include women characters (in order to broaden the choices). I will say progress is being made as I am now at #66 in line! Since I have a stack of other potential reads staring me down at home, I can afford to be patient.
I hope everyone is reading something really good! More news very soon from me!