Tomorrow is my niece's 6th birthday. There is much excitement in the air at the moment. When I got home from work today, I was greeted with..."tomorrow is my Happy Birthday"....Someone has been bouncing off the walls all day. This is my haul of gifts for her (by the way, the shirt is kind of billowy, but she herself is a little twig!). I will be doing some wrapping shortly. My sister in law was going to cook a lot of food for all the family, but a friend of the family also will be having a birthday this weekend, so now the plan is to cook out (lovely weather here this weekend!). As she had already started her preparations, there is going to be a lot of food here for the forseeable future!
This weekend I will also be celebrating my Mom's birthday. Hers is actually on the 8th, but it is always better to celebrate on a nice relaxing weekend afternoon! I also have things to wrap for her (no black and white polka dot pants alas!). It is going to be a busy weekend, so I am not going to have much art or stitching time I think. We'll see what I can fit in. I also have a book I am nearly finished with, and it is too good to lay down too long!