Stories I have been reading via Smithereens as part of our ongoing short story postal exchange:
October 2019
"Animals" by Jen Campbell (The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night)
"Sea Devils" by Jen Campbell (The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night)
"The Arrangements" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
"Wilderness" by Letitia Trent (5898 Words Issue no. 84, September 2019: originally published in Exigencies: A Neo-Noir Anthology)
"Paper Menagerie" by Ken Liu
" A Private Experience" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (The Observer 12/28/2008)
"Kavitha and Mustafa" by Shobha Rao
"Crocodile Shoes" by Jojo Moyes (Paris for One and Other Stories)
"Holdups" by Jojo Moyes (Paris for One and Other Stories)
October 2018
"A Piece of Cake" by Roald Dahl (1942)
"The Ugly Sister" by Joanne Harris (Jigs & Reels)
"The Smallest Woman in the World" by Clarice Lispector
July 2018
"Monsieur Rose" by Irene Nemirovsky (Dimanche and Other Stories)
"Blue" by Maggie Pahos (Brevity Magazine, January 18, 2016)
"A Burden Shared" by Jo Walton
March 2018
"Friend Joseph" ("L'ami Joseph") by Guy de Maupassant
"Lolly" by E.B. Axelrod (Cold Creek Review: A Literary Journal)
June 2017
"The Piano Player" by Elizabeth Strout (Olive Kitteridge)
"Playdate" by Kate Walbert
February 2017
"Pétur" by Olivia Clare (Fiction, issue 14)
"A Stone Woman" by A.S. Byatt